Saturday, April 29, 2023

 Studying the deceptive mendacious poltroon  goofiness of all spiritual wickedness in this present format and formation  of this idiotic terrestrial  existence.  

On Sat, Apr 29, 2023 at 8:31 PM vinnie venus <> wrote:
Who’s who ? Aligning 2nd cor 11:13-15 , 2nd cor 4:4,,2nd Peter 3:7-17 and Luke 1:37. Measuring facts properly.

The functions of 2nd Peter 3:7–17 connected to Matthew 16:18-19 are manifested . By which ‘’’ 
Reality in particular’’’ for humanity is not fully  all its cracked up to be ,,,,in other words. 

On earth.

For all of mankind presently in this life.  

In fact.

Due to  rev 16:13-14s connection to both modern technology and numerous evil spirits presently residing in this format of this universe.   

Aw yes. Evil spirits presently dwelling in various outlets in this format of this universe. With the evil ability to inappropriately very deceitfully alter various functions of Christs original preset space time continuum for humans in this life. 

On Sat, Apr 29, 2023 at 8:02 PM vinnie venus <> wrote:
Previous letter edited.

For grammar errors.

Studying the reality of this life. In the midst of evil spiritual forces everywhere on earth in this present time frame of this

Connect John 17:14-17 and the first epistle of John 2:15-17 with 2nd cor 11:13-15 and Whattya got?

Watch "Jacob Kinn : A Human Predator" on YouTube

People here condemn Melissa. 
It ultimately appears their right.
Yes it

ultimately appears so.

Yet sometimes other forces are at work in this life.
Which are forces which  most humans ignore .

What do I mean by 

Those who read this 

Let me ask you this.

What if someone had a beef with Melissa?  And wanted to set her up for a fall?

So that person used a means of 

$$$$.    bringing.       $$&$$$$

Melissa down in this life in a way most people think is impossible.
Yet nothings impossible.

In this life.
If someone doesn’t want it to be.

And such a person is willing to make various sacrifices in order to make certain evils come to pass.

In connection to Luke 6:26.

For example.

In connection to 2nd cor 4:4 and Luke 1:37 more over.

Why does a connection of  2nd Samuel 24:1 with 1st chronicles 21:1 for example ‘say’ that the PRIME God of this life Jehovah is literally Satan in this existence?

Aligning both 1st kings 22:22 and genesis 3:22 so

Those Christian scriptures do say that evil deities rule this life for mortals.

😱😱😱and they do say also that Satan is the god of Israel  Jehovah in this life.🫤🤔😦

Connected to Luke 21:36, John 12:25, Matthew 16:25, Luke 6:26; and John 3:19.

That doesn’t mean Jesus is evil.

It just means Isiah 42:8 .

Connected to Roman’s 2:9-10 or Isiah 56:1-7 obviously.


Deities whether good or evil also have rankings and destinations in this life.


Evil is formed through the prime power.

Jehovah .

Christian scripture summarized with modern technology clearly invokes that the preceding information just addressed is accurate.

It doesn’t really justify Melissa in this situation fully.

But it does give an alternate outlook to how Melissa may have fallen to prey to such an idiot in this life.

Named Jacob.

Seems like it’s everywhere too.  Though.
In todays human societies.

Aw yes.



Despite the truly obvious fact, through modern technology and rev 16:13-14,,, a large portion of humans from this time period have clearly secretly found various ways of altering Christs original set space time continuum .

Through a manipulation of various mortally forbidden time portals .

And on that note I will now say this.

To humanity today.

Humans were so foolish not to listen to my simple instructions I give humans here

On how to save Mother Earth and keep Christs simple laws in this timeframe of humanity.

Foolish people of earth.

Through modern technology ‘’ Satan is playing you all for fools.
Humans have known about solar energy for over a century.

Perhaps it’s even 150 years.

And humans of the last 150 years still opted for gasoline run transport inventions over solar energy?

So Mother Earth could suffer like this?

Somethings wrong with that there on the part of humanity today.

Aligning rev 11:18 for example.

Only one answer makes sense.

Connect both rev 16:13-14, and  2nd cor 4:4 with Luke 1:37, and 1st kings 22:22.

And it becomes obvious that numerous mortals of the last 150 years made pacts with Satan and other evil spirits in order to master the so called impossibility of time travel.

And as c7q79 of the quatrains of Nostradamus warn mortals of this time period so such a mastery of time travel only works in modern inventions with various  gasoline run ingredients.

So that’s why gasoline run inventions kept going on earth.

Because devilish humans who hearkened to Satan and evil spirits made pacts with Satan to keep gasoline run inventions going .

Through modern time machines .

Then they used the time machines to keep gas run inventions going.

And they used their time machines to hide the fact they have time machines presently on earth.

Plus they did all sorts of other evils with such time machines.

And then concealed it.

In alignment to Luke 6:26:


In this existence.
Also c7q82 of the quatrains of Nostradamus originally concealed by a group called the illuminiti but now revealed to humanity in various circles also warns humans of this age that such time machines have limits to how far they can proceed in time travel.

7 years being the limit back in time or forward in time.


Isn’t that obvious.


Connect Christianity’s  simple Scriptural  dots.
With the facts of this life and that information is thoroughly obvious.
Pure and simple.


On Sat, Apr 29, 2023 at 7:42 PM vinnie venus <> wrote:
Studying the reality of this life. In the midst of evil spiritual forces everywhere on earth in this present time frame of this

Connect John 17:14-17 and the first epistle of John 2:15-17 with 2nd cor 11:13-15 and Whattya got?

Watch "Jacob Kinn : A Human Predator" on YouTube

People here condemn Melissa. 
It ultimately appears their right.
Yes it

ultimately appears so.

Yet sometimes other forces are at work in this life.
Which are forces which  most humans ignore .

What do I mean by 

Those who read this 

Let me ask you this.

What if someone had a beef with Melissa?  And wanted to set her up for a fall?

So that person used a means of being Melissa down in this life in a way most people think is impossible.
Yet nothings impossible.

In this life.
If someone doesn’t want it to be.

And such a person is willing to make various sacrifices in order to make certain evils come to pass.

In connection to Luke 6:26.

For example.

In connection to 2nd cor 4:4 and Luke 1:37 more over.

Why does a connection of  2nd Samuel 24:1 with 1st chronicles 21:1 for example ‘say’ that the PRIME God of this life Jehovah is literally Satan in this existence?

Aligning both 1st kings 22:22 and genesis 3:22 so

Those Christian scriptures do say that evil deities rule this life for mortals.

Connected to Luke 21:36, John 12:25, Matthew 16:25, Luke 6:26; and John 3:19.

Christian scripture summarized with modern technology clearly invokes that the preceding information just addressed is accurate.

It doesn’t really justify Melissa in this situation fully.

But it does give an alternate outlook to how Melissa may have fallen to prey to such an idiot in this life.

Seems like it’s everywhere too.  Though.
In todays human societies.

Aw yes.



Despite the truly obvious fact, through modern technology and rev 16:13-14,,, a large portion of humans from this time period have clearly secretly found various ways of altering Christs original set space time continuum .
Through a manipulation of va 11:08 rious mortally forbidden time portals .
Humans were so foolish not to listen to my simple instructions I give humans here
On how to save Mother Earth and keep Christs simple laws in this timeframe of humanity.

Foolish people of earth.

Through modern technology ‘’ Satan is playing you all for fools.
Humans have known about solar energy for over a century.

Perhaps it’s even 150!years.

And humans of the last 150 years still opted for gasoline run transport inventions over solar energy?

So Mother Earth could suffer like this?

Somethings wrong with that there on the part of humanity today.

Only one answer makes sense.

Connect both rev 16:13-14, and  2nd cor 4:4 with Luke 1:37, and 1st kings 22:22.

And it becomes obvious that numerous mortals of the last 150 years made pacts with Satan in order to master the so called impossibility of time travel.

And as c7q79 of the quatrains of Nostradamus warn mortals of this time period so such a mastery of time travel only works in modern inventions with various  gasoline ingredients.

So that’s why gasoline run inventions kept going on earth.

Because devilish humans who hearkened to Satan and evil spirits made pacts with Satan to keep gasoline run inventions going .

Through modern time machines .

Then they used the time machines to keep gas run inventions going.

And they used their time machines to hide the fact they have time machines presently on earth.

In this existence.
Also c7q82 of the quatrains of Nostradamus originally concealed by a group called the illuminiti but now revealed to humanity in various circles also warns humans of this age that such time machines have limits to how far they can proceed in time travel.

7 years being the limit back in time or forward in time.

Isn’t that obvious.

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